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AI Use Cases
A collection of over 250 uses for artificial intelligence
A continually updated list exploring how different types of AI are used across various industries and AI disciplines,including generative AI use cases, banking AI use cases, AI use cases in healthcare, AI use cases in government, AI use cases in insurance, and more

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Education AI Use Cases

Grading multiple choice papers
Grading papers using OCR and images of completed papers and comparing with expected answers

Identifying plagiarism
Plagiarism can automatically be detected with varying degrees of confidence

Personalising messages to students
Messages to different students can be personalised based on student persona and preferences

Voice assistant for students
Students can speak naturally with voice assistants to aid them in their studies

Produce lesson plans and content
Lesson plans and content can be created for the appropriate education level, subject and syllabus

Produce revision material
Revision material can be produced for the subject being revised at an appropriate level

Tailoring content to students
Educational content can be specifically tailored to individual students taking into account their learning preferences

Translation to help non-native speakers
Educational content can be automatically translated in real-time in multiple languages

Personalised tutoring
Individual and personalised tutoring can be created and provided using AI