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A collection of over 250 uses for artificial intelligence
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Biometric identification and recognition

The use of biometrics and identification and recognition has always been a useful strategy for law enforcement agencies globally. This has proven to be very useful in a number of cases where people are identified based on their physical or behavioral characteristics such as in criminal investigations or at the border points. With the integration of Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (AI), these capabilities have been found to have been improved. They also have the capacity to work with large amounts of data at very fast rates thus enabling real time identification and recognition that would not be possible with human intervention. It also has the capability of learning and getting even better with its performance.
There are however, certain issues that have to be solved in order to take full advantage of these technologies. First, there is the question of the data privacy. Biometric data is considered as personal information and thus its misuse may have severe consequences. This is a critical issue given the fact that this data once collected and stored and used in a manner that does not conform to the privacy policies could have severe consequences. Another challenge is the possibility of false positive or false negative identification. No biometric system is perfect and this can lead to errors that can be catastrophic. For instance, a false positive may lead to the imprisonment of an innocent person for a certain crime while a false negative will allow a criminal to escape. They also rely on large amounts of high quality data which can be hard to acquire and may be costly to collect. Last but not the least, these systems can be easily fooled by spoofing and other forms of invasion.
AI Solutions
There are many challenges that currently exist within the field of biometric authentication, these include; AI technologies can help address these challenges in the following ways. Due to the nature of Machine Learning algorithms, they can be easily trained to recognize and classify biometric data with high levels of precision so that the chances of mistaken identity are minimized. They can also be programmed to identify when people are trying to forge or otherwise tamper with the biometric systems. There are techniques such as advanced encryption and other measures that can be implemented in order to enhance the security of the biometric data for example in storage and transmission. Computer Vision technologies can be applied to improve the quality of the biometric data for instance by dealing with issues such as light or other environmental conditions that may affect the image quality. This paper also explores how AI can be applied in the management of biometric data including the process of capturing and analysis of such data as well as how such costs and challenges can be reduced.
There are many advantages of applying AI in biometric identification and recognition for the police department. It can thus increase efficiency and timeliness of identification and recognition to enhance the efficiency of investigations and other activities. It can also ease the strain on the human employees, so that they can be used for other purposes. It can also reduce costs of operations as it frees up personnel to work on other tasks that may be manual. This paper also found that AI can also increase security for instance by making it harder for criminals to con biometric systems. Last but not the least, AI can guarantee that the application of biometric data is done in a way that protects the privacy of individuals, for instance through encryption of data.
Return on Investment
The use of funds for acquiring hardware and software for artificial intelligence based biometric identification and recognition can be a great investment for the law enforcement agencies and can be very fruitful. A research done by Accenture revealed that AI has the potential of increasing the annual GDP growth rates of 12 developed economies to twice by the year 2035 through increased labour productivity and new markets for value addition. In the area of law enforcement for example, the application of AI can lead to great savings in terms of time and funds as well as increase efficiency in solving cases and catching criminals. Nevertheless, the ROI will depend on many factors such as the size and the nature of the law enforcement agency, the particular application of biometric identification and recognition, and the expenses for acquiring and updating the AI equipment.