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Habitat mapping

The wildlife industry has been gradually adopting the use of Machine Learning (ML), Computer Vision (CV), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in habitat mapping. These modern technologies are changing the way we perceive and navigate the natural environment, providing new ways of observing animals’ actions, their environments, and the shifts of the environments. Due to the ability to work with large data sets and process information at the speeds that are not possible for a human, these technologies help scientists to track, assess, and forecast the trends in wildlife dynamics.
There are, however, a number of challenges that must be overcome in order to fully realise the potential of AI in habitat mapping. The first challenge is the vast amount of data that needs to be captured and analysed which can be very complex and may even be beyond normal computer systems’ capabilities. Also, the data can be of different quality and consistency which makes the analyses erroneous and prejudiced. Another challenge is data availability especially in hard to access or restricted regions. Also, there are issues of ethics and legality which cannot be overlooked, including the issue of surveillance on animals and invasion of privacy.
AI Solutions
To these challenges, AI presents a number of solutions. One of the most effective ways in which the large amount of data that is collected can be analyzed is through Machine Learning, which is the use of computer algorithms that can pick out patterns and trends that would be impossible for a human to do. Computer Vision, on the other hand, allows for the automatic detection and monitoring of animals in the wild and, thus, offers real-time information about the animals’ activities and locations. The same can be said with deep learning for it is also capable of forecasting future trends with the use of historical data which can be applied in decision making in the field of conservation as well as in formulation of policies. In addition, it is also capable of assisting in the creation of better and more reliable data which will in turn minimize on biases and mistakes. Lastly, application of the AI can also help in reducing the need for aggressive monitoring methods thus contributing to the protection of animals.
There are a number of ways in which AI can be beneficial in habitat mapping. First of all, it can significantly improve the data processing time and thus release some of the most precious conservation time for other activities. Secondly, it can also improve the efficiency and accuracy of the wildlife assessment as well as the prediction of their future movements thus enhancing the effectiveness of the conservation measures. Thirdly, it can also assist in increasing the understanding of the ecosystems and thereby contribute to the formulation of proper policies as well as create awareness of the need for conservation among the public. Lastly, by decreasing the likelihood of the need for invasive monitoring methods, AI can also play a positive role in the protection of animals.
Return on Investment
It is possible to get a good return on investment (ROI) when applying AI in habitat mapping due to the many benefits that it offers. Although, the costs of implementing such technologies in the initial stage can be quite expensive, the long term benefits in terms of time, resources and enhanced conservation outcomes can be tremendous. For example, a study by the Nature Conservancy showed that the application of AI in habitat mapping decreased the data analysis time by 80% thus reducing costs. Furthermore, through enhancing the efficiency of the conservation measures SAI can contribute to safeguarding of the important habitats and the services they offer which are valued at millions of billions of dollars globally.