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Identity verification

The use of Identity Verification in the public services is crucial. Due to the growing number of citizens’ turning to the digital services it is important to ensure the identity of the users in order to avoid fraud and build trust in the system. CV AI has been identified as a possible solution to the problems that are being encountered in identity verification. This is because CV AI stands for Computer Vision Artificial Intelligence and is a branch of artificial intelligence that aims at enabling machines to interpret the world around them through sight. With the help of the machine learning algorithms CV AI is capable of processing images and videos and recognizing objects, people, and their actions.
There are several obstacles that the public services industry faces in the area of identity verification. First, the conventional approaches to identity verification, for instance, the traditional manual document checking is slow and inaccurate. Second, the growing number of digital services users calls for a flexible approach that can cope with millions of verifications. Third, the advanced level of frauds and their techniques including identity fraud and deep fake are the challenges. Fourth, the issue of privacy and data protection adds complexity to the issue as the verification system must be designed in a way that it is secure from theft of personal information yet very open and clear. Last, since digital services are global, the system must be capable of identifying and validating numerous types of identity documents used in different countries.
AI Solutions
In CV AI there are several approaches to the problems in identity verification. One of such is the use of facial recognition where a live image or video of a person is captured and compared with an image stored on an ID document. The document verification process can also involve the use of technology that enables the automatic validation of multiple types of identity documents including passports, driver’s licenses and IDs. This is because liveness detection can be used to confirm that the person is indeed physically there during the verification process thus avoiding spoofing attacks. This is because machine learning algorithms are able to improve themselves every now and then depending with the new fraud techniques that are being developed. For instance, in the area of identity verification, there are firms such as Jumio, Onfido, and Idemia that are offering the state of the art CV AI solutions.
In the public services industry, CV AI has the potential to provide many advantages in identity verification. It also helps to reduce the time and efforts needed for verification hence reducing the costs and increasing the satisfaction of the users. The automation and flexibility of CV AI can accommodate the growing number of people using digital services. The modern tool can also help to identify and stop complex fraud schemes to increase the security of the system. In addition, the application of blockchain provides the element of trust in the verification process. Furthermore, CV AI can also enhance the inclusivity since it has the capacity to recognize diverse types of identity documents from different countries.
Return on Investment
It can be seen that there is a high ROI of CV AI in identity verification. It can be seen in terms of cost savings, reduction in losses from fraud, enhanced customer satisfaction and retention, and improvement in brand image. According to a study by Javelin Strategy & Research, identity verification solutions can reduce operating costs by 70% and losses from fraud by 80%. In addition, the better user experience can enhance the satisfaction and loyalty of the users, which will increase the revenue. The increase in security and transparency will also improve the image of the public services and hence attract more users and partners.