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AI Use Cases
A collection of over 250 uses for artificial intelligence
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Personalised social support

AI and its subfield of Generative AI is changing the face of various industries all over the world. Public Services are one of the fields that have been greatly influenced by this digital revolution. The cross-section between AI and public services has come up to create a new model of Social Support, that is, the use of AI technologies in providing Social Services to the public. This transition is not without its challenges though the opportunities are greater where they are paired with the returns that come with these technologies. This article will aim at analysing the use of Gen AI in personalised social support, the challenges, AI solutions, benefits, ROI and real-life applications.
Using AI in Public Services has its challenges as well. The first and most important issue that has to be taken into consideration is the privacy and security issues. Since AI is based on data, there is a high likelihood that the data will be misused, or even stolen. Secondly, there is a question of fairness and lack of bias. AI systems are developed using historical data which may contain biases and when these systems are implemented, they produce biased results. Thirdly, there is low awareness of what AI is and what it can do by the employees of the public service and the public. Fourthly, the integration of the AI systems is expensive and may not be affordable to small public service organizations. Finally, there is a possibility of loss of employment as a result of automation which will cause social and economic problems.
AI Solutions
There are however some challenges that can hinder the implementation of Gen AI in public services. Some of the challenges include; AI can help in taking over mundane tasks thus allowing people to work on other issues. By using natural language processing, AI can enhance the interaction between public services and citizens, and thus enhance the quality of service delivery. There is a possibility of using the data that has been collected to implement machine learning algorithms in order to establish trends and or make forecasts with an aim of assisting public services to plan for the future and adjust their resource allocations. AI can also be applied in providing personalized services to citizens in line with their needs. This can enhance citizen satisfaction and participation, as well as the performance of public services.
There are numerous advantages of Gen AI in the public domain. The use of AI can enhance the performance of public services and thus reduce costs. It can also help in increasing citizen participation and satisfaction hence enhancing the perception of the public on the services. AI can also enable better decision making since it provides insights from data analysis. In addition, it can also assist in reducing biases and inequalities in service delivery. Lastly, it can help the economy by generating new employment and new sectors such as artificial intelligence and data science.
Return on Investment
There are significant return on investment that can be achieved when Gen AI is applied in the public sector. Although huge resources are needed to set up the system at the initial stage, the benefits of enhanced efficiency and effectiveness can greatly outweigh the costs. For instance a research done by Accenture revealed that AI could boost the gross domestic product growth rates to twice the historical averages by 2035 through enhanced productivity. In addition, the positive impacts of enhanced citizen engagement and satisfaction can result to increased trust on public services thus having positive impact on the society.