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Script revision suggestions

It is a common knowledge that the entertainment business, especially the film and television production, has been basically driven by human ingenuity. However, with the help of modern technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), new possibilities appear. One of them is script revision that is a very important phase in the production process which can make or break a project. Gen AI, a type of AI that is focused on creating text that looks like it was written by a human being, is now being employed for script revision tasks as well. The approach uses machine learning techniques to evaluate scripts and pin-point spots that can be enhanced and, in some cases, to make recommendations. This is how AI is revolutionising the entertainment business as well as facilitating enhanced and quicker script rewrite and possibly enhanced output.
Script revision is a very delicate process that comes with many challenges and obstacles. It involves the understanding of story, characters, lines, scenes, and the overall flow of the plot and many more aspects. This process of revisions should be to enhance the original ideas of the writer and develop the weak aspects of the work. It is a very personal process and as such results in frequent conflicts between writers and producers. Also, traditional script revision is very slow and can take weeks or even months to complete. There is also a chance of making mistakes as it may be easy to miss some important points. Also, there is the problem of favoritism, where people tend to make decisions based on their own preferences rather than being as unbiased as possible.
AI Solutions
This is where Gen AI is coming in with the solutions. Since Gen AI has a lot of data to work with, it can learn from the data of successful scripts and apply the learning to revised scripts. It can also pinpoint problems like plot holes, inconsistent character arcs or poor dialogue and offer solutions. Gen AI can also create new dialogue or scenes that are in line with the given script’s tone and theme. Also, it is capable of reducing bias by giving the insights which are not influenced by any kind of prejudice. There are companies like ScriptBook and Cinelytic that are using artificial intelligence to analyse scripts and make predictions on how well a script will do. Even IBM’s Watson has been employed to produce a trailer for the horror movie ‘Morgan’ which demonstrates how AI can be employed in artistic processes.
There is a number of advantages of using Gen AI in script revision. It can also greatly minimize the time taken for revisions thus enabling shorter production cycles. It can also assist in the identification of problems at the earliest stage thus enabling the reduction of costs that could be incurred in the process of extensive rewrites or reshoots. Objectively, AI can contribute to creating more stable and complete scripts, which may enhance the quality of the films. Another benefit is that Gen AI can assist in coming up with new ideas or strategies that would not have been thought of before. Also, it may facilitate the scriptwriting process and make it available to more people while providing them with the tools and ideas that were previously used by the big players.
Return on Investment
While it is true that there are significant costs associated with the deployment of AI, the returns can also be very lucrative. This in turn can reduce the time spent on revision and hence reduce the costs in the overall production process. Improved scripts can make better movies or series hence making them to perform well in the market and generate high revenues. In addition, AI can also help in identifying the audience’s preferences and habits to develop better marketing strategies. According to PwC, AI has the potential of adding up to $15.7 trillion to the global GDP by 2030, and entertainment industry is set to be among the chief gainers.