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Weed and invasive species detection

Weeding and the control of unwanted species is a never ending task in agriculture. Advances in technology have seen the emergence of new ways of handling these by using Computer Vision (CV) Artificial Intelligence (AI). This technology is able to differentiate between plants and weeds or even between different types of weeds and invasive species with high accuracy thus changing the face of weed and invasive species identification. The application of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture is not only assisting the farmers in producing more but also in cultivating in a sustainable manner.
There are numerous barriers in the area of weed and invasive species detection in agriculture. First of all, the traditional approach to weed identification is a labor-intensive and a time-consuming process that also needs a lot of experience. The process is further compounded where large scale farming is involved. Also, the over reliance on herbicides as a means of solving the problem has the potential of causing harm to the environment as well as the development of herbicide resistant weeds. Differentiating the invasive species from crops is challenging since the two are closely related. Other challenges that are likely to affect the process include; fluctuating light conditions, weather patterns, and varying size of plants.
AI Solutions
In its current form, AI solutions particularly the CV AI, have been instrumental in the transformation of the agriculture sector. These technologies can also distinguish between a crop and a weed or an invasive species, for instance, by analyzing images. Some of the tools used in the development of models that are capable of analyzing images and determining specific plant species include TensorFlow, PyTorch, and cloud-based AI services. There are also sophisticated drones with cameras and artificial intelligence that take photos of the fields and then check for weeds and other unwanted species. Blue River Technology has created a ‘See and Spray’ system that employs CV AI to establish and eradicate weeds within the same time the farmer intends to water the crops. In the same way, projects such as ‘FarmBeats’ by Microsoft and ‘AgroScout’ are applying AI and computer vision in the management of weeds and other invasive species.
The integration of CV AI in agriculture brings a myriad of benefits. It increases the efficiency of weed and invasive species detection, reducing the time and labor required for the process. It allows for targeted application of herbicides, which not only reduces the overall usage but also minimizes environmental impact. It also enables early detection of invasive species, preventing potential crop losses. The use of AI can also help in predicting the spread of the invasive species and developing strategies for their management. The data gathered through these systems can be used for further research and development.
Return on Investment
The ROI of CV AI in agriculture is quite impressive. This is because the system will help to reduce on labor, improve on crop yields through identifying and controlling of weeds and other unwanted species, and also reduce on the use of herbicides. In addition, the information collected can be applied to forecast future conditions and take appropriate measures thus improving the ROI. According to Accenture, AI has the potential of adding $5.6 trillion to the global economy by 2035 with agriculture as one of the sectors that will benefit most from this.